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Duxford 2023
Warning Order



General show and tell to the public


M41 Jacket (with 1st Div Patch) 

M37 Wool Shirt & wool pants

M1 Steel Helmet with 3/4" Mesh net with scrim if you have it

Garrison Cap (for evenings)
M1938 Dismounted Leggings


GP bag

Roughout Boots or service shoes
M1928 Haversack with mess kit and KFS

T-handle & cover or E-Tool

Belt to suit weapon, with canteen and Carlisle pouch
Personal Weapon

Gas mask bag

Dog tags

Wash kit


Uniform Standard: Clean.


Personal appearance: Clean shaven


Please take note, to maintain our high standards:


No Jump boots

No Modern Tee shirts

No E-cigarettes in sight

No beards

No modern eyeglasses

No visible piercings  

Mobile phones and modern cameras to be used discreetly

No eating modern food on the display

All Modern equipment (carrier bags, cool boxes, beer boxes, books, food packaging etc)hidden from sight at all times where possible.

Rations and personal items are either wrapped in period packaging or used discreetly


Shelter: Yes, Kitchen flysheet.


Kitchen Equipment: 


Radios:  Yes


Flagpole: Yes


Signage, etc: Yes


Weapons:  Personal weapons with a copy of the deactivation certificate. 


Unit Weapons: 30 cal, Mortar, BAR, Grenade launcher


Water:    Available on Site.


Toilets:  Available on Site


Showers:  None



All for £15 per person payable at event. No money no meal deal, please don't expect to be fed if you have not paid.


Fire: No


Fire Wood: N/A


Rubbish: Bag rubbish/recycle and take home.


Alcohol: No strictly Permitted so must be consumed discreetly, BYO to consume.


Site Address: Duxford IWM, Duxford, Cambridgeshire, CB22 4QR


Access to Site: From Friday 16:00hrs, early arrivals are meeting at the pub at 13:30 for drinks and food before going into the site.


Keep in touch via the WhatsApp group.


Contact No’s: Marcus Spencer – 07469 737715 


​Camping: Green camping. Unload and park up cars promptly.


Pyros: No


Blank Firers: No


Health & Saftey:


Wear suitable and appropriate footwear and clothing. Inform the organizer (M.Spencer) of any medical issues. Wear Sunscreen where needed and keep hydrated.


Insurance: Unit PI Insurance cover in place, copy available on request. Those of you who are guests need your own insurance cover (via your own group) or pay the group £5 for the event cover.


First Aid:  Modern First Aid kit carried by R.Sage


Training Schedule: None, this is a Show and tell


Off-Duty Entertainment: Drinking and socializing.


Weekend Programme: 


            Friday – Establish camp - (Off Duty)




            07:30 – Reveille

            08:00 – Breakfast

            09:30 – Roll call & briefing

            10:00 - Site opens to the public

            17:30 – Site closes to the public

            18:00 - Wash-up, clean-up and police weapons

            18:30 - Off duty




            07:30 – Reveille

            08:30 – OFF SITE



Please do not wander off the pitch during show times, instead speak to the LT before leaving the pitch.


Unit Matters:  Next year's events.


By order of:


2Lt M.Spencer

E Co/2nd/16/1



Semper paratus

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