Harborough at War 2021
Warning Order
Harborough Show Ground,
Gallowfield Road,
Market Harborough
LE16 7QB
Event Theme
Public Display
Show and Tell
Fire Arms Demonstrations
Evening Dance
Parking: Parking available on site. Follow directions from event co-ordinators up on arrival
Access to Site: From Friday 12:00hrs no earlier. Details to be confirmed
Meal Deal - £10.00 per person, payable on the day to Lt Spencer
Evening Event - £15.00 per person. Pay on the gate in the evening, providing there's capacity.
Scenario: Training Camp, England 1944
Uniform Standard: Clean with a couple days dirt. Uniform inspections will take place.
Personal appearance: Clean Shaven, Washed, and correct period hair cuts
Uniform & Kit:
M37 Wool Shirt & Pants
M41 Jacket (1st Infantry Division Patch)
M1 Steel Helmet with 3/4" Mesh net or without.
​Rough-Outs/Service Shoes with Leggings
Garrison Cap with DUI
Dog tags
T-Handle or E-Tool
Jeep Cap Optional
Mess kit and KFS
Belt to suit weapon, with canteen and Carlisle pouch.
Personal Weapon
TL 122 angled flashlight
Notebook and pencil
Boot Polish/Cleaning kit
Evening Uniform:
Class A Jacket
1st Div patch
Garrison Cap with DUI
Unit citation award
Service strips
Rank insignia
Service awards (Wear what you feel comfortable with)
Neck Tie
Polished service boots/Shoes
Clean Shaven
For those without a Class A Jacket, Class B is authorised
Clean M41 Jacket
Clean and Pressed M37 Wool Shirt & Pants
Garrison Cap with DUI
Polished boots
Remove leggings
Corporal Nasty will be in attendance, so get those uniform items correct
Please take note:
​No Buckle Boots
No Bloused Jump boots
No Modern Tee shirts
No E-cigarettes insight while on display
No Vaping whilst on display
No beards
No Modern hair cuts
No visible piercings or Tattoos
No modern watches
No modern glasses
Mobile phones and modern cameras to be used discreetly
All modern equipment (carrier bags, cool boxes, beer boxes, books, food packaging, etc)hidden from sight at all times where possible.
Rations and personal items either wrapped in period packaging or used discreetly
Head cover to be worn at all times, either a Garrison Cap, or the M1 Helmet. (When on display jeep caps should be worn under the M1 helmet only. After hours the jeep cap can be worn on it's own).
Event Itinerary
12:00 – Site available for set up
16:30 - Flag Detail
17:00 - Evening meal, wash-up, clean-up and police weapons
Friday PM - Chance of an Unofficial Ride out in period vehicles. Not guaranteed, will need to gain approval from a vehicle owner before hand. Bring extra cash to chip in for fuel just in case.
07:30 - Reveille and Flag Detail
08:00 – Breakfast
09:30 – Wash up, Clean up, Roll call, Uniform Inspection, Briefing
10:00 - Show opens to public (To be confirmed)
16:30 - Flag Detail
17:00 – Show closes to public (To be confirmed)
17:30 - Evening meal, wash up, clean up and police weapons
18:30 - Evening event starts* (To be confirmed)
22:30 - Evening event closes
PM – Troops Return to camp
* Saturday Marquee tickets have already sold out, but the organisers will try to accommodate us if there's space. We can pay on the door, so bring £15.00 cash with you if wanting to attend
07:30 – Reveille and Flag detail
08:00 – Breakfast
09:30 – Wash up, Clean up, Roll call, Uniform Inspection, Briefing
10:00 – Show open to public
17:00 - Show closes to the public
17:30 - Access to site to breakdown (assumed)
PM – Endx
This is a public display. Please do not leave the display with out clearing it first with the Lt, or a Senior Non com.
Keep you Green heads on while on display. If given an order by an Officer or Senior Non Com, react in the appropriate manor.
Food: Friday Night – Woz's Famous Chili Dogs
Saturday Breakfast – Cooked Breakfast
Saturday Lunch – Personal rations
Saturday Dinner – Paul's Mighty Meaty Meal(No Vegans & Vegetarian options)
Sunday Morning – Cooked Breakfast
Sunday Lunch – Personal rations
All Troops please bring to every event regardless:
Some bread (Not a modern sliced loaf)
1x tin Stewing Steak or Corned Beef, and 1 tin of veg for a 2-can
1x tin for sweet (Rice pudding, peaches)
1x tin of Spam, hot dog's or corned beef
Coffee or Tea
Please remove modern labels and/or relabel if possible.
Also, needed at every event:
Cooking oil
Washing up liquid
Bin Bags
​Unit Kitchen fly sheet.
Personal Open or closed ender pup tents.
Flagpole: Yes
Signage: Sgt Warren's new Unit sign
Radios: Unit SCR300. Bring a Field telephone and cable if you have one for demonstration.
Weapons: Personal weapons with copy of deactivation certificate.
Unit Weapons: 60mm Mortar, .30 Cal, BAR, M1 Bazooka
Pyros: Smoke only, no flashbang's
Blank firers: Blank Firing Weapons permitted. Bring 'em if you got 'em. Copy of deactivation certificate kept to hand. Event organisers will provide SOME ammo free of charge
Camp Fire: Yes. Brian, can you bring your fire bin?
Fire Wood: Bring your own wood, try to bring a bag each.
Bag rubbish/recycle and take home, you make it you take it home to recycle!
Water: Available on site
Toilets: Portaloo available onsite
Showers: None
Alcohol: Permitted after hours. If in the Beer club, bring a pack of 15.
Contact No’s:
Richard Warren - 07773 621051 - On Site from 12:00 Onward
Marcus Spencer – 07469 737715 - On Site from Friday PM Onward
Or keep in touch via the WhatsApp group
Health & Saftey:
Wear suitable and appropriate footwear and clothing. Inform organiser(M.Spencer) of any medical issues. Wear Sunscreen if needed and keep hydrated. Bring mosquito replant or suffer the consequences. Baby oil and rope available upon request.
Insurance: Unit PI Insurance cover in place, copy available on request.
First Aid: Modern First Aid kit available
COVID Brief: COVID Brief to be held 16:00 Friday. Observe event organisers and WHO advice.
Unit Matters: 2022 Events calendar