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Bayonet - M1
The M1 Bayonet was standard issue to all Infantry that used the M1 Rifle.
Fitted with a spring loaded clip toward the pommel, the bayonet could easily be locked onto the M1 Rifle, and released again by a button at the base of the hand guard.
While bayonet charges where rare in the ETO, the M1 preformed favourably against the German S84/98 III bayonet fitted to a Karabiner 98k rifle.
However in the Pacific Theater the M1 bayonet
was found lacking when compared to the Japanese Type 30 sword bayonet, which had a blade length of 15.75 inch (40.0 cm).
When mounted to the standard issue Arisaka rifle, the Japanese soldier had an impressive reach of 59.75 inch compared to that of the Americans which came in at around 53.5 inch. This gave the Imperial Japanese soldier a distinct advantage on the battlefield.
In these circumstances it wasn't uncommon to see Marines kitted out with the earlier longer M1902 bayonet
The bayonet was an almost identical copy of the M1905 issue. The only noticeable difference being a much shorter blade length of 10 inch (25.4 cm)
Some M1905 model bayonets were re-purposed and cut down from their stock blade length of 16 inch (40.6 cm) to 10 inch (25.4 cm). Once modified there was no difference in terms of designation between a re-purposed 1905 and an original M1 Bayonet.
Between 1943 and 1945 over Two Million M1 bayonets had been manufactured
The M1 Bayonet was issued with the M7 Scabbard. Essentially a cut down version of the earlier M3 that was used with the M1902 bayonet. As part of the bayonet-shortening program, M3 scabbards were also recalled for modification
The scabbard was equipped with the standard fitting to allow it to be worn on either the Web belt, or the M1928 Haversack.
Many seasoned troops tended to wear the bayonet on their web belt, as the haversack was often ditched prior to going into combat.
The M7 scabbard corrected a number of design flaws that where present on the M3. Foremost of these was the introduction of spring steel plates in the scabbard throat which locked the blade in place. The new spring system was better at preventing the bayonet from rattling when in the scabbard, which was a common complaint with the earlier M3/1902 setup.

Technical Information
Total length
52.3 cm
Blade length
25.4 cm
Year introduced
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