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Combat Uniform

This is the standard field or combat uniform that we wear during an event. It consists of the basic wool uniform, without tie, along with a field jacket or optional wool overcoat, leggings, helmet and web gear.


In the European theater of operations (ETO), the basic wool uniform saw the most use and had the greatest functionality, being able to keep the soldier warm in the winter with its insulation, and relatively cool and breathable in Northern European summer weather.


M1 Helmet

M1937 Wool Shirt

Cotton Undershirt

M1941 Field Jacket

M1937 Wool Trousers

Enlisted Mans Waist Belt

M1938 Dismounted Canvas Leggings

Socks, Wool, Cushion Sole

Service / Reverse Upper Shoes



M1923 Calaber .30, Cartridge Belt

M1928 Haversack

M1910 Entrenching Tool Cover

M1910 Canteen Cover

M1924 First Aid Pouch

M6 Gas Mask Carrier

Six Pouch Cotton Bandoleer



Rifle, Caliber .30 M1

M1 Bayonet with M7 Scabbard

MkII A1 Fragmentation Grenade


Field Equipment

First Aid Packet Carlise Model

Shovel, Entrenching, M-1910

Canteen, Stainless Steel or M1910 Version

Cup, Stainless Steel or M1910 Version

Meat Can

M-1926 Fork, Spoon and Knife



Sweater, Highneck or Sleeveless

Wool Overcoat

Muffler, Wool Knit

Gloves, Wool Leather Palm

M41 Wool knit Cap

Raincoat, Synthetic, Dismounted

Helmet Net

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